To ALL entrants, I want to let you know that I DO comment on all entries (with the exception of Splitcoast and Flickr) so if you don't see a comment from me, please check to see if there are any comments awaiting moderation or in SPAM. A lot of comments are in SPAM and bloggers don't realize it.

Monday, July 1, 2013

July Challenge

Hello everyone and welcome to the July challenge.  This month is the half way point to Christmas so its time to get serious with those Christmas card creations.  

But before I get to the current challenge we have a little housekeeping to do.  First up thank you to all who joined our Vintage challenge. As always we had lots of lovely entries which made choosing the top 3 very difficult.  

The winner of our random prize is:

Congratulations Debbie S, please contact me at to claim your prize.

Our top 3 in no particular order are:

#28 Lindsay
#35 Brenda B
#17 Gildett deMarillac

Congratulations to all our winners, please grab your badge from the sidebar.

Ok on to our current challenge.  The theme this month is:

Its all about Santa 

Include anything on your card that is associated with Santa - reindeer, presents, elves etc.

Lots of changes happening here at CCAYR this month.  Its a new DT term and sadly some of our members have decided to step down, so we bid a fond farewell to Denise, Tracey R, Sue, Clare, Ciska, Sandy & Carol.  Thank you ladies for all the lovely designs you have shared with us and all the best for the future.   

We have 7 new designers joining us  for the July to December term as well as some guest designers who will be joining us.  Please welcome to the design team:


Do head over to their blogs and check out their lovely work.

Ok on to our DT samples:












To join our challenge just add the direct link to your project below.


Hazel said...

I'm thrilled to be joining such a talented team - wonderful crafting, everyone x

Sandra H said...

Congrats to all of your winners and stunning cards from the Dt's x

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Thank you for choosing my card as one of the top 3 ans congratulations to the other winners, another fab challenge and beautiful dt makes
Lindsay xx

stampingbowd said...

Gorgeous samples! Thanks for the fun challenge!

Pearl Maple said...

you have a creative bunch of friends there Tracey, so many fun themes and pretty cards

Karen P said...

Thank you for a great challenge and awesome DT inspiration hugs Karen

Birgit said...

This is one of my favourite sites and I keep missing to enter. I love all your inspirations! I can't believe I made it-under the wire but did it!

Michele said...

Shoot. I missed the linky here too. I am becoming a follower... so hope to catch you all for August. :)