These bags are approx 6 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches.

I used 4 bags. You can use less. I wouldn't recommend more as it will get too bulky.
Fold the bags in half. Then stack them together. I alternate them, so that the openings are not all together. If you put them together all the same way, then one half of the album will be thicker than the other. All the bottoms will be on one side, and the openings will be on the other. In alternating them, the album is evened out.

Staple the bags together and glue a piece of paper to cover the staples OR you can punch holes and add ribbon and tie them together.
Now the fun really begins! Time to play with the cover and pages inside. Here's what I did...
The places where the bag opens, I made extra spaces to pics or journalling. These are the tags I made: