To ALL entrants, I want to let you know that I DO comment on all entries (with the exception of Splitcoast and Flickr) so if you don't see a comment from me, please check to see if there are any comments awaiting moderation or in SPAM. A lot of comments are in SPAM and bloggers don't realize it.

Monday, July 15, 2019


This month the challenge is to make a gift or a box or bag (or some kind of gift holder) to hold a gift. No cards allowed this month!

I also have an announcement to make regarding prizes. Sadly there will be no more prize offering as it is getting WAYYYY too expensive to send things in the mail. What I am planning on doing from now until the end of the year, I will collect everyone's names who participates in a challenge and make a draw around Christmas time and send that person a gift certificate to their favorite craft store. This will alleviate the shipping cost. I will make another draw at the end of July of next year again with names from January to July.

We are saying goodbye to MARY this month. We will miss you and your lovely creations!!! Please play along whenever you can!!! We'd love it!

We are also saying goodbye to AMY as she has decided to step down. We will miss you and your beautiful creations!!! You will play along in the challenges, won't you!!

Here are the projects by the CHRISTMAS BELLES!



Thanks ladies!!! Wonderful creations!!!

Monday, July 1, 2019


This month the challenge is to make a gift or a box or bag (or some kind of gift holder) to hold a gift. No cards allowed this month!

Here's what the GINGERBREAD GALS made!
Please welcome 2 new members!!

Thanks ladies!

Now, for the winner...

#7 Tina Z Treebug

Please EMAIL me ( for details on how to claim your prize.
You have up to 3 months to claim your prize.

So many beautiful creations! I really wanted to choose them ALL! But I had to narrow it down to 4.

#2 Meg

#16 Valerija

#34 Marieke

#51 Caroline

Congratulations. Please display your badge proudly!

Thanks to EVERYONE who participated! We love each and every project that all of you entered! Like I said, I wanted to choose ALL of them!!! They are ALL winners in my eyes!!

Create a card or any kind of craft following the monthly challenge and upload your creations to your blog, a gallery, or photo bucket.
*If you post in a gallery, Photo Bucket, Instagram, Facebook or other similar albums we cannot guarantee we will be able to comment.
Please remember to give us the EXACT links to see them.
All entries must be new projects, no back linking please.
You may enter up to 5 times as long as you create a different project for each entry.
You may combine your entry with other challenges.
You MUST include a link back to this blog in your entry post.
Have fun!
This challenge runs until the end of JULY.

PLEASE NOTE-THIS IS NOT AN ANYTHING GOES CHRISTMAS CHALLENGE BLOG.There is ALWAYS a specific theme unless otherwise noted that it IS an anything goes challenge. We do have these a couple times a year but please make sure you follow the challenge theme. We are finding that a lot of the entries lately are listing the challenge as "anything goes" when it is NOT!! The entries that list this an an "anything goes" entry and it's not may risk having their entry deleted. You will definitely not qualify for the prize and Top 3 if you list it as "anything goes" and it isn't.