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Saturday, June 1, 2013

June Challenge

Hello everyone and welcome to our June Challenge.  First up thank you to all who participated in our last challenge we had some lovely entries again this month.

The winner of the prize drawn at random is:

Congratulations papersniffer.  Please email me at to claim your prize.  You can grab your badge from the sidebar.

The top three are:

#13 Kim M
#9 Deanne
#6 Meg

Congratulations to all.  Please grab your badge from the sidebar.

Ok on to the current challenge.  The theme this month is:

 Vintage Christmas

Create a card with a vintage theme. This could be a vintage image or it could be colours or style so long as it has that vintage feel.

Our prize this month will be two Christmas stamps from Platypus Creek.  I will get a photo organised and add it in here asap.

Here are some samples from the Design Team:

To play along with our Vintage challenge just add the direct link to your project below.


  1. Fab DT inspiration and thanks for a great challenge hugs Karen

  2. I was definitely inspired by the DT too. Great job, ladies!

  3. Great DT Inspiration, and such lovely entries.
    Suzy B :-)
