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Friday, October 1, 2010

October Challenge!

Hi Everyone! The countdown is on...Christmas is just 3 months away.  I hope the inspiration here has helped you with all your wonderful Christmas cards.

The October challenge is going to be a card that has stitching (real or faux) and distress the card in some way....anyway you like.

Check out these wonderful creations from our Design Team:





*Remember if you do 5 cards this month following the challenge, your name will go into a draw for a prize at the end of OCTOBER! (this challenge CAN be combined with any other blog or forum challenges that you do this month.)

This month the RAK is another great stamp set!

Please upload your cards to your blog, a gallery, or photobucket and remember to give us the EXACT links to see them. You can do 5 of the same cards or 5 different ones (as long as they follow the current challenge) If you do 5 of the same, please show us a picture of them altogether. Thanks!

***Also, if at least 20 people create 5 cards I will pick a second winner!***

We can't wait and see what you create this month! Have fun!

Colleen and Lesley


  1. Ooooh there's some inspiration, watch this space lol

  2. Wow! More fabulous inspiration ladies! Can't wait to see what everyone else does as well!

  3. I am so in love with the samples! These are absolutely wonderful!

  4. Simply stunning cards for inspiration by the DT....thank you!!
    I have all 5 of my cards submitted in Linky for the challenge this month.

  5. et de 3, j'espere arriver a 5, merci

  6. great cards by all...I have submitted my 5 cards..hope you like them.


  7. Thanks for the inspiration ladies, your cards are always wonderful! I can't wait for Christmas to get here... this is the first year I have been organised with handmade cards!

  8. So there we go! Now have made all the five cards and I put them on one page :) Now all I can do is hope for the best!

    Best luck to you all ^^

    Hugs /Erika

  9. Fab challenge ladies! Love the DT cards!

    I just added cards #5 and #6. I hope to make it up to ten by tomorrow LOL - we will see :)

    Deanne :)

  10. I am so in love with the samples! These are absolutely wonderful!
    Plastic Card printing
