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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Introducing Lesley and Colleen!

As most of you now know, we're helping Deanne out with the blog for a bit here, so we'll introduce ourselves a bit too!  You'll see out design work monthly as well!

"Hi! My name is Lesley and I live in sunny Jacksonville, FL. I’m originally from Toledo, OH but I also lived in St. Louis for a few years (Go Cardinals!!!). I’ve been with my husband Robb for 15 years and we have a 5 year old daughter. I started scrapbooking when my daughter was born and a couple of years ago I found stamping and never turned back. I guess I’ve always done some kind of art, when I was younger I took art classes at The Toledo Museum of Art and The Toledo Zoo. I’ve also cross-stitched, painted ceramics, and decorated cakes. When I’m not working or making cards I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, and watching my favorite TV shows."

You can check out more on her blog HERE! And remember to check out her blog as well as all the DT members as they're posted this week to give you a chance to win!


Hey!  My name is Colleen and I live in beautiful BC, Canada.  I'm a teacher by profession though currently at home with my two boys (7 and 4).  I care for my niece and nephew during the week as well and then work and teach in my lss for a little fun and to get out of the house!  I think I've always been a scrapper at heart and have my 30 year old sticker collection to prove it!  I have a stash of Christmas paper begging to be made into cards, so this is the perfect spot for me and I love it! 

You can check out my blog HERE!

Here are a few cards for you to have a peek at for inspiration for the July Challenge since anything goes!

We're lovin' all the cards that everyone's adding to the challenge for this month!  Keep at it ladies!  We'll try and get you some more sneak peek inspiration about a week!

You never know, you might find your card(s) showcased on the blog one day too, so keep your eyes out...

Lesley and Colleen

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lesley and Colleen! It's so nice to meet both of you and I look forward to work with you on the CCARY design team.
