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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Oh my goodness!!! Winner!!!

 I totally forgot to choose a winner for MAY!!!!!

So sorry!!!
It is....



SHANNON!!! Shannon, please email me with your address and I'll get it to Lesley so she can get your prize out to you.

Thanks to everyone who participated in May!!! Your participation is appreciated!!!


  1. Congratulations Shannon, a very well deserved win!

  2. Congrats Shannon! You lucky dog you!!!

  3. Thanks so much!! I've said before how worthwhile i think this challenge is...not only great ideas (to case, of course!)...but a box of Christmas cards at the end of the year! I let Deanne know that I already have that cute su hopefully it can be used another time for a prize. (I hope that's proper challenge etiquette! espeically since they are so kind to provide prizes) Keep up the great challenges...and we'll all keep playing!
