To ALL entrants, I want to let you know that I DO comment on all entries (with the exception of Splitcoast and Flickr) so if you don't see a comment from me, please check to see if there are any comments awaiting moderation or in SPAM. A lot of comments are in SPAM and bloggers don't realize it.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

December Challenge - Already!

OK ladies, how's everyone doing with those cards?!  Are you finished for this year?  If not, this is a great chance to get things finished off and if you're done for this year, then there's no time like the present to get started on next year's cards!!!

December Challenge - We're going to make it easy this month because we just want people to play along, so the challenge is...  Anything goes!  Just make sure that they're newly created this month!
Yes, you heard it right - anything! Get out those scraps or the new stash you had to have this year, but never got the chance to use. Just start creating!
Take a look at what our design team has created for you as inspiration!

*Remember if you do 5 cards this month following the challenge, your name will go into a draw for a prize at the end of December! (this challenge CAN be combined with any other blog or forum challenges that you do this month.)

Please upload your cards to your blog, a gallery, or photobucket and remember to give us the EXACT links to see them. You can do 5 of the same cards or 5 different ones (as long as they follow the current challenge) If you do 5 of the same, please show us a picture of them altogether. Thanks

***Also, if at least 20 people create 5 cards we'll pick a second winner!***

Keep your eyes out throughout the month for more reveals and intros to our new team members as well! Looking forward to seeing more cards soon, so get your mojo on!

Colleen and Lesley


Sheree said...

Awesome cards ladies!! I can hardly wait to see what cards are submitted and I will be adding mine as well!

Darlene said...

Thanks for the fun and awesome inspiration from the DT! Great work!

Clare Lloyd said...

some wonderful entries already! we are going to have a bumper month as expected!!

Spyder said...

Lovely Challenge!!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic job on your cards, you have share great selection of cards, that's a Fantastic design and very unique for this Christmas.

xmas cards

Spyder said...

fabulous challenge and great DT cards

Helen said...

Wonderful cards again ladies - thanks for a fun year of chaallenges! :0)
Have just linked my 5th card.
Helen x

Spyder said...

Here's my 5th card...muuuuuch nicer than the mad axe lady card!

kbrandy4 said...

Hi Ladies, i forgot to put number #8 on my last entry!!
Hazel xx

kbrandy4 said...

Hi Ladies, i forgot to put number #8 on my last entry!!
Hazel xx

THERESA said...

Absolutely super inspiration ladies, thanks so much!!!
Just entered my 5th card, yikes, running late with them, so maybe more still coming.........:))
lotsa luv

yours truly said...

Awesome creations! I have linked up my five cards.

~ Ü ~ hilda

Brigitte said...

Awesome cards and challenge!!! I just finished my fifth card and I will probably add some more.

kbrandy4 said...

Thank you for a fabulous challenge!! I have just linked up my 10th card!
Hazel xx

Cindy :) said...

ohhhh WOW!!! I just found this group and signed up!!! YAY I have more than 5 cards that I made this month, but only 4 are on my blog so far! How many can we enter? How exciting...wish I found it sooner, I love to make Christmas cards! Most of my stash and tools is geared towards the season!
I love all the DT cards, awesome inspiration ladies, this would be an awesome DT to be on, :)

SAMARA said...

Thank you for letting more than one card in! I seem to be on fire here with the cards. Spirited love to all. Samara xox

Deonna B said...

Yippee, I just finished my 5th card for this challenge. Thank you!

Inkypinkydelights said...

Thanks for such a fun challenge! All five cards are now entered. Great inspiration. And Merry Christmas to you all. Judy x

Adri Munhoz said...

Wonderful cards!
I did 5 of the same cards and the link is:
Thanks ladies! Hugs

Theresa's Studio said...

Lovely cards from the DT. Have 5 entries in...132,244,245,272,276.
Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

what a fun challenge and awesome prize! My entries are 291 with three cards, 292 and 293. Thank you for the challenge!

yuth said...

Hi, so sweet cards

Christy Beans said...

woohoo! I managed to get all 5 posted... I'd done more than that, but forgot to include them. I'm looking forward to following these challenges in 2012 to get ahead of the game for next year! =) A happy crafty New Year to you all!

Wilma said...

Great DT-cards.
I've linked 5 cards.
Hugs Wilma

lbwright22-loopylou said...

Great DT cards and thanks for some fab challenges this year. Looking forward to next years challenges already.
I have made 5 cards this month and have linked them up.
Was there a winner from November? I can't see if it was posted or not...

zehra said...

lovely dt cards. i ahve added five in total, this is the first time i ahve added to this site, hopefully i did it right.
thank you for a chance to win a fabulous gift.
Happy New Year to all

Marianne said...

I have just uploaded my cards #5 and #6 for this month.
Happy New Year everyone!

*kathleen* said...

Thank you all for participating. I am still working my way through all the links to see the cards! What a great turnout for December!!

-Kat (DT member)