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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July challenge-Dots & Stripes

Hello and welcome to our July challenge. Where has the time gone? I can't believe we are half way through the year. Thank you to all who joined us last month. The winner as drawn at random is:

Congratulations Created Just 4 U, please contact me at to claim your prize.

Our top three in no particular order are:

#31 Robyn Oliver
#25 Lia's Design
#24 Mijn Creatie(fje)s

Congratulations to all. Please grab your badge from the sidebar.

This month we have three new ladies joining our Design Team. Please welcome:


Do head over to their blogs to check out their fabulous work.

Ok on to our June challenge. The theme this month is a simple one:

Dots & Stripes

Simple incorporate dots and stripes in to your card.
Here are some samples from the Design Team to get you started:

Sue P

To join our challenge just add the direct link to your card below.