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Monday, December 15, 2014

December Mid Month Inspiration

Hello everyone and welcome to our December mid -month inspiration.

First up I need to announce the winners from November.

The winner of the prize drawn at random is:

Congratulations Annikarten, Please contact me at to claim your prize.

Our top three in no particular order are:

#154 Norma
#45 Jane's Journal
#137 Nancy Brown

Congratulations to all, please grab your badge from the side bar.

Here are some samples from the Design Team:

There is lots of time to join us, scroll down for all the details.

Monday, December 1, 2014

December Challenge

Apologies to all as the content of this post has inadvertently been deleted.

I will try to re-post the samples when I get the chance.

Our entries for the challenge are below.