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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Mid month inspiration

Hi everyone and welcome to a little mid month inspiration. Here are some cards from the DT. There is lots of time to join us, just scroll down for all the info.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October challenge

Hello everyone and welcome to our October challenge. A big thank you to all who entered our September challenge.  The winner of the prize as drawn at random is:

Congratulations Gail Scott. Please contact me at

Our top three in no particular order are:

#2 Blankina
#12 Jane Willis
#27 Rosina

Congratulations to all, please grab your badge from the sidebar.

Ok, on to this month's challenge. The theme this time is Embellish It! Simply create a card that has lots of embellishments ie ribbon, flowers, gems etc.

This month the prize is from Platypus Creek Stamps and is two cling mount Christmas stamps.

Here are some samples from the Design Team:

To join our challenge just add the direct link to your card below.